About Us

Hi there! My name is Wilfred George and I’m absolutely obsessed with blogs. Some might say I’m blog-crazy, but I prefer to think of myself as a blog enthusiast.

Ever since I discovered the wonderful world of blogging several years ago, I’ve been hooked. There’s something so satisfying about putting your thoughts and ideas out into the world for others to read. And I love following other talented writers and absorbing their perspectives.

But my favorite part of blogging? That’s easy – it allows me to share my deep passion for dogs with the world! I’ve been a proud dog owner since I was 5 years old when I got my first puppy, Ruffles. She was a feisty Jack Russell Terrier who accompanied me on all of my childhood adventures.

Now I’m blessed to have two energetic Border Collies, named Barkley and Sadie, who make every day brighter. When I’m not reading or writing blog posts, you can find me taking long walks with my pups, throwing tennis balls for them to chase, or snuggling with them on the couch.

My hope is that my sincere love for dogs shines through in my writing. I try to work them into my blog posts as much as possible – be it through funny anecdotes, thoughtful lessons I’ve learned from them, or just photos of their cute faces.

Beyond dogs, some of my other passions that make their way into my blog include hiking, camping, photography, and of course, reading as many blogs as I can get my eyes on! I started this blog as a way to improve my writing skills while also cultivating an online community of fellow blog lovers.

My goal is to not only share quality content, but also create a positive online space where people can discover new blogs and perspectives. If you’re equally enthusiastic about blogging, I’d love to connect! Just drop a comment on any post – I always make sure to respond.

So in short, this blog is an outlet for my endless love of dogs, writing, and the blogging world. Thanks for stopping by – hope you enjoy your visit!

Woof woof,