Can Dogs Eat Croutons?

Many dog owners share tidbits of food with their pups or leave plates within reach, leading to questions like “can dogs eat croutons?” While croutons may seem like an innocent treat, they can pose health risks for dogs. 

In this article, we’ll cover whether croutons are safe for dogs to eat, including risks of ingredients like garlic and salt. We’ll also discuss health impacts of crouton consumption, signs of trouble if your dog ate a crouton, and healthier snack alternatives. It’s important to understand how “people food” like croutons affects dog digestion and health before sharing with your furry friend. 

While the occasional plain crouton may not lead to issues, regular consumption and ingestion of seasonings can be problematic. We’ll provide dog owners the information they need to make smart decisions regarding croutons and dog treats. Read on to learn more about canine crouton consumption safety and nutrition.

Can Dogs Eat Homemade Croutons?

Can Dogs Eat Croutons

While store-bought croutons often have heavy seasonings like garlic and onion powder that are toxic to dogs, homemade croutons may seem like a safer option. But there are still risks with homemade croutons that dog owners should consider.

Plain homemade croutons are less likely to cause significant issues compared to seasoned croutons. A few pieces of plain homemade crouton made only from bread shouldn’t harm an average, healthy dog. However, moderation is still key, as too many croutons can lead to gastrointestinal upset.

Even with homemade croutons, look out for ingredients that are unsafe for dogs:

  • Garlic – can damage red blood cells and cause anemia in dogs when ingested in large amounts. Never feed dogs garlic-infused homemade croutons. 
  • Onions – toxins in onions can create hemolytic anemia and oxidative damage to dogs’ red blood cells. Onion powder is commonly used in homemade croutons, so avoid sharing any onion-seasoned croutons.
  • Raisins or grapes – both are toxic to dogs, even in small quantities, and should not be used in homemade dog treats.
  • Unsafe herbs – parsley, chives, leeks and scallions contain compounds that can cause anemia in dogs.
  • Xylitol – an artificial sweetener toxic to dogs that should be avoided in homemade croutons. 

Even without toxic ingredients, feeding dogs too many homemade croutons can lead to digestive upset, diarrhea or vomiting. The high carb content may also contribute to weight gain in dogs prone to obesity. Homemade croutons could present a choking risk as well, especially for small breed dogs

The occasional plain homemade crouton is less risky, but should still be limited. It’s better to show your dog affection through safer alternatives like playtime, walks, or approved treats. Your furry friend will be just as happy with quality time and pets as with homemade food scraps like croutons.

Learn more about dog nutrition from our complete dog nutrition guide.

Can Dogs Eat Garlic?

Garlic is a common seasoning used abundantly in croutons and many human foods. However, it might surprise some owners to learn that garlic is toxic and dangerous for dogs to consume. 

Garlic contains compounds like allicin, diallyl disulfide, and allyl propyl disulfide that can cause oxidative damage to canine red blood cells. These toxic components attack and rupture red blood cells, causing hemolytic anemia in dogs that ingest garlic. 

Even small amounts of garlic can cause toxicity over time. Consumption of garlic in dog treats, table scraps, homemade playdough, and other sources can put dogs at risk. Just a clove of garlic can potentially cause issues in smaller dogs. The stronger the dose, the faster signs of garlic poisoning appear.

Symptoms of garlic toxicity include:

  •  Weakness and lack of energy
  •  Vomiting
  •  Diarrhea 
  •  High heart rate
  •  Red or dark urine
  •  Pale gums
  •  Rapid breathing
  •  Lethargy
  •  Collapse

Garlic poisoning can occur with a single large ingestion or over time with repeat smaller exposures. Left untreated, hemolytic anemia from garlic can be fatal.

If your dog eats garlic, contact your vet or pet poison control immediately. Treatment typically involves decontamination protocols like induced vomiting or activated charcoal. Severe, ongoing anemia may require a blood transfusion and hospitalization. 

Prevention is key when it comes to garlic and dogs. Avoid cooking with garlic, especially without close supervision. Never purposefully feed garlic to dogs, even in small amounts. Check all commercial dog foods and treats for garlic before purchase. Together we can help keep our furry companions safe from the dangers of garlic.

Are There Any Health Benefits to Feeding Dogs Croutons?

Can Dogs Eat Croutons

While croutons are an enjoyable snack for humans, they provide little health value for canine companions. Croutons are generally made from white bread or refined grains that offer minimal nutrition. They also tend to be high in carbohydrates, sodium, and calories – components that are problematic in a dog’s diet. While the occasional plain crouton is unlikely to cause issues, there are no notable health benefits to intentionally feeding croutons to dogs.

Croutons are typically high in simple carbs from white breads and refined grains. While dogs require balanced levels of carbohydrates, an excess can lead to obesity and related illnesses like diabetes or heart disease. The carbohydrates derived from croutons are likely lower quality compared to whole food sources.

Sodium is another concern with croutons, as excess salt intake can be detrimental to dog health. It can increase thirst and urination, while also potentially causing gastrointestinal upset. Sodium-heavy diets are linked to conditions like high blood pressure, kidney disease, and stroke in dogs.

In terms of calories, croutons pack a lot into a small crunchy package. The calorie-density could lead to weight gain in dogs prone to obesity. Unneeded calories from croutons just replace nutrients from healthier dog foods. 

The limited vitamins and minerals in croutons come only from the wheat or bread ingredients. There are no added nutritional benefits. Plain croutons provide small amounts of B vitamins, iron and magnesium at best.

Ultimately, there are no compelling health reasons why croutons would be useful in a dog’s diet. They do not provide anything dogs need that can’t be attained from high quality dog food and the occasional dog-safe fruit or vegetable. For optimal canine health, croutons and other empty-calorie people foods should be avoided or only fed in very small amounts on rare occasions. Focus on quality commercial diets and dog treats to provide balanced nutrition.

What To Do If Your Dog Eats A Crouton

Accidents happen, and your pup may manage to scarf down a crouton or two before you notice. If your dog eats one or two plain croutons, there likely isn’t cause for panic. But if they eat multiple croutons or ingest any seasoned with toxic ingredients, take action right away.

First, assess if your dog is showing any symptoms of illness. Vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy or loss of appetite may indicate crouton consumption caused a problem. If your dog ate garlic- or onion-seasoned croutons, look for signs of toxicity like excessive drooling, weakness or orange-tinted urine.

Call your vet or an animal poison control hotline immediately for advice based on your dog’s size and the amount and type of croutons ingested. They will direct you on how to induce vomiting, administer activated charcoal or just monitor your dog at home. Do not induce vomiting without first consulting a professional. 

 Depending on the severity, your vet may request you bring your dog in right away for examination and bloodwork. Symptoms like pale gums, difficulty breathing, staggering, or bloody urine constitute an emergency requiring swift veterinary treatment.

Provide details on when and what your dog ate to help your vet assess any toxicity risks. Bring packaging with ingredients to the vet in case analysis is needed. Be prepared to give your dog’s weight to determine dangerous quantities of problematic ingredients.

Follow your vet’s treatment recommendations closely in the days following ingestion to protect your dog’s health. Symptoms may take 12-24 hours to appear, so continue monitoring even if your dog seems fine at first. Report any concerning signs immediately.  

Take preventative steps to avoid future crouton concerns. Do not leave unattended plates within reach. Store croutons and other human foods safely out of reach of pets. Train your dog on “leave it” commands regarding human foods. Be vigilant about dropped foods when dining with your dog nearby.

While most minor crouton consumption incidents resolve with monitoring at home, it’s always best to consult your vet right away when an ingestion happens. They can guide you in caring for your dog and preventing any lasting ill effects from accidental crouton snacks.

Better Snack Alternatives for Dogs

While croutons may seem like an easy snack to toss your begging pup, there are many healthier, safer options to try instead. When looking for dog treat alternatives, focus on whole foods that provide nutritional value.

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables make excellent lower-calorie snacks. Choices like apple slices, banana chunks, baby carrots and frozen peas can be handy low-prep options. Just be sure to avoid grapes, raisins, onions, garlic and pits/seeds. Introduce new foods gradually to check for allergies.

Unsalted popcorn

Unsalted popcorn is a wholesome crispy alternative to croutons. All unseasoned popped corn is dog-safe. Air-popped popcorn is healthiest. Moderate portion sizes to avoid weight gain.

Sliced sweet potatoes

Sliced sweet potatoes cooked plain or frozen into bite-size treats make a nutritious choice dogs love. The natural fiber and vitamins like beta-carotene support your dog’s health and satisfy snack cravings.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter (or sunflower seed butter for dogs with peanut allergies) in a Kong or lick mat provides long-lasting enjoyment. Use minimally processed brands without added sugar or oils. Monitor consumption to prevent weight gain.

Plain shredded chicken, turkey or lean beef 

Plain shredded chicken, turkey or lean beef support muscle development while being low in fat and calories. Dehydrated meats make portable high-protein training treats.


Lower-fat dog biscuits, dental chews and training treats provide crunch and flavor in appropriate portion sizes. Search for limited ingredient, natural recipes without fillers. 


For healthy hydration, ice cubes made from low-sodium broths or fruit juices like carrot or pineapple quench thirst while discouraging overeating.

Discuss additional homemade snack recipes your vet approves with your dog’s unique nutritional needs in mind. They can help you balance treat time for a happy, healthy companion.

Other Toxic Human Foods to Avoid Feeding Dogs

While croutons may seem harmless, many common human foods can actually be dangerous or even life-threatening if fed to dogs. Here are some other “people foods” that should be kept away from canine companions:

Chocolate – Contains toxic theobromine and caffeine that can cause vomiting, seizures, irregular heart rate, and even death in dogs. All chocolate should be avoided.

Xylitol – An artificial sweetener in sugar-free gum, candy, baked goods that can cause low blood sugar, liver damage, and bleeding disorders in dogs. Extremely toxic even in small amounts.

Grapes/Raisins – Contain unknown toxins that can cause kidney failure and lack of urine production. Even a small number of grapes or raisins can be detrimental.

Onions – Compounds in onions damage red blood cells leading to hemolytic anemia in dogs. All forms of onions are unsafe. 

Macadamia Nuts – Can result in weakness, swollen limbs, vomiting, tremors and hyperthermia in dogs due to unknown toxins. Avoid macadamias.

Yeast Dough – The unbaked dough can expand in dogs’ stomachs and release ethanol leading to alcohol poisoning and severe bloat.

Avocados – The persin compound can damage heart and lung tissue in dogs. The pit is also a choking hazard.

Caffeine – Found in coffee, tea, sodas, energy drinks, and chocolates. Caffeine is toxic causing elevated heart rate, restlessness, and seizures in dogs.

Salt – Excessive salt consumption can lead to sodium ion poisoning in dogs, causing vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, or seizures.

Alcohol – Can cause dangerous intoxication leading to vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, coma and death in dogs. Never leave alcoholic drinks unattended.

Knowing what human foods to avoid allows you to protect your dog’s health. Check questionable ingredients before feeding snacks. If ingestion occurs, contact your vet immediately. Together we can prevent tragic accidents and keep our dogs safe.


When it comes to feeding our canine companions, it’s important to understand which human foods are safe versus dangerous for dogs. Can dogs eat croutons? The answer is no, croutons should not be intentionally fed to dogs. While tiny portions of plain croutons may not cause issues, croutons can harbor hidden risks depending on ingredients and quantity consumed. They provide little health value and could lead to choking or toxicity if dogs eat garlic, onion or raisins sprinkled on top. 

Overall, there are far healthier snack alternatives like fresh fruits/veggies, unsalted popcorn, or low-fat dog treats that provide nutrition without undesirable additives. Being aware of all human foods toxic to dogs like chocolate, onions, xylitol, and more helps prevent tragic accidents. Consult your veterinarian about any diet changes or accidental ingestion incidents to keep your pup happy and healthy. With knowledge and vigilance, we can enjoy snack time while also protecting the wellbeing of our furry best friends.

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