Can Dogs Eat Falafel?

The question “can dogs eat falafel” is common for dog owners exposing their pets to new cuisines. Falafel, a popular street food in Middle Eastern cuisine, is a fried chickpea-based dish often served in pita bread with vegetables. But is falafel safe and healthy for dogs to eat? In this article, we’ll discuss the potential benefits and risks of feeding dogs falafel.

While falafel can contain onion, garlic, and other seasonings that are toxic to dogs, chickpeas themselves pack nutritional value. Chickpeas are high in plant-based protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals. Plain, unseasoned chickpeas make a crunchy, satisfying treat for dogs. However, fried and heavily spiced falafel can pose dangers including pancreatitis from the high fat content. Introducing new foods slowly and monitoring for signs of stomach upset is advised.

In the following sections, we’ll explore the ingredients in falafel, health risks of feeding dogs fried and seasoned dishes, and how to safely incorporate plain chickpeas into your dog’s diet. We’ll also provide portion guidelines based on your dog’s weight. The goal is to allow dogs to benefit from the nutritional value of chickpeas without compromising their health through excess fat, spices, and other questionable ingredients.

What Exactly is Falafel?

Can Dogs Eat Falafel

Falafel is a traditional Middle Eastern food made from chickpeas and aromatic herbs and spices. It can be prepared in different ways, but the ingredients and cooking method determine its suitability and safety for canine consumption.

History and Origins

Falafel likely originated in Egypt, becoming popular among the country’s Coptic Christians as a plant-based protein dish eaten during Lent. It spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa over centuries, evolving into the quintessential street food we know today. The combination of fried chickpea fritters stuffed into warm pita bread took off in the mid-20th century. Now falafel enjoys worldwide popularity far beyond its original home, adapted to local tastes in regions like North America and Europe.

Primary Ingredients

Chickpeas are the main ingredient, providing the base and bulk of falafel. Also called garbanzo beans, chickpeas are packed with plant-based protein, dietary fiber, and nutrients like iron, magnesium, and potassium. These legumes are dried and ground into a coarse flour or paste to create the primary component of falafel. Fava beans are also sometimes used alone or along with chickpeas. Fresh flat-leaf parsley and cilantro commonly provide herbal flavour. Sliced onions and garlic are often included for added aroma, but pose toxicity risks for canine consumption.

Spices and Seasonings

A variety of warm, earthy spices like cumin, coriander, and black pepper are used to season falafel. Sesame seeds and ground sumac also impart a distinct flavour. These spices, while safe for most humans, can potentially irritate the digestive tract of dogs or in some cases provoke allergic reactions. Excessive onion and garlic consumption poses dangerous toxicity risks to dogs as well.

Preparation and Serving Methods

Traditional falafel is formed into balls or patties, then deep-fried resulting in an exterior that is crispy and brown. However, it can also be baked at a high temperature, which reduces fat and calorie absorption. Falafel may be served stuffed in pita bread, over a salad, or as shareable appetisers and side dishes. The different ingredients and cooking techniques significantly impact the suitability of this food for canine consumption.

The unique blend of flavours and aromas in falafel make it tempting to share with furry companions. However, pet owners must be selective about preparation and mindful of ingredients to avoid adverse reactions in dogs.

Discover how to optimize your dog’s nutrition with this comprehensive guide.

Potential Health Risks of Falafel for Dogs

While falafel may seem like a tasty snack, it can pose several health hazards for canine companions. Being aware of these dangers allows dog owners to make informed decisions.


Deep-frying falafel saturates it with fat and oil, significantly increasing the risk of pancreatitis in dogs. This potentially fatal condition causes the pancreas to become inflamed and start digesting itself. Vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain are common symptoms that require prompt veterinary treatment.

Weight Gain

The high calorie density of fried falafel can quickly lead to obesity in dogs. Excess weight stresses the joints, makes exercise difficult, and increases the risk of diabetes and other problems.

Gastrointestinal Distress

Onions, garlic, and spices in falafel may irritate the digestive tract. Symptoms like vomiting, diarrhoea, gas, and abdominal pain can develop. These ingredients are best avoided for canine health.


Onions and garlic contain compounds that damage red blood cells in dogs, leading to oxidative stress and potentially life-threatening anaemia. Even small amounts should not be fed to dogs.

Choking Hazard

The rounded shape and crunchy texture mean falafel balls can easily get lodged in dogs’ throats if swallowed hastily. This poses a choking risk requiring first aid intervention.


Some dogs may develop allergies to chickpeas, sesame, cumin or other falafel ingredients after repeated exposure over time. Reactions may include itching, digestive upset, skin irritation, or breathing issues.

Nutritional Imbalance

Falafel lacks complete nutrition for dogs. Too much may lead to deficiency in nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, iron, and others essential for canine health.

Dog owners must weigh these potential dangers against any perceived benefits of sharing falafel. Caution and moderation is advised.

Recommendations for Safe Falafel Consumption by Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Falafel

While traditional falafel is too hazardous for dogs, chickpeas themselves can be integrated into canine diets with care. Here are some tips:

Gradual Introduction

Initially feed 1-2 plain, cooked chickpeas to assess your dog’s tolerance. Look for signs of gastrointestinal distress like vomiting or diarrhoea. Increase slowly over several weeks to allow their digestive system to adjust.

Avoid Seasonings

Select plain, unseasoned chickpeas without onion, garlic, cumin or other harsh spices. Flavoured, fried, or processed chickpea snacks should also be avoided. The simpler the preparation, the better.

Small Portions

Chickpeas should be an occasional treat, not a dietary staple. For a 50 pound dog, 2-3 chickpeas twice weekly is sufficient. Too many may lead to nutritional imbalance, weight gain, or other issues.

Mix with Familiar Food

Blending a few chickpeas into your dog’s regular kibble or canned food can aid digestion. The familiar food helps avoid stomach upset from chickpeas alone.

Cook Thoroughly

Cooked chickpeas tend to be more easily digested and less gas-producing than raw. Gently boil, bake, or roast plain chickpeas to optimise digestibility.

Supervise Consumption

Monitor your dog closely anytime chickpeas are served. Make sure they are thoroughly chewed before swallowing to prevent choking. Do not free-feed chickpeas.

With reasonable precautions, chickpeas can provide nutritional variety and satisfy dogs’ cravings for people’s food safely. As always, consult your veterinarian for personalised feeding advice.

Recommended Feeding Guidelines for Chickpeas

When adding chickpeas to your dog’s diet, follow these tips for safe consumption:

Start with Small Amounts

Initially offer just 1-2 cooked, plain chickpeas to gauge tolerance. Look for vomiting, diarrhoea, or other signs of digestive upset. Increase portion gradually over weeks as their system adjusts.

Determine Maximum Portion Size

As a treat, chickpeas should provide no more than 10% of your dog’s total daily calories. For a 50 lb dog eating 1000 calories per day, 2-3 chickpeas is an appropriate portion containing around 100 calories. Adjust up or down by weight.

Monitor Caloric Intake

Because chickpeas are high in fiber and carbohydrates, reduce your dog’s normal food accordingly to account for extra treat calories. This prevents unhealthy weight gain.

Customise for Dog Size

Small dogs under 20 lbs can have 1/2 to 1 chickpea per serving. Medium dogs 20-50 lbs can have 2-3 chickpeas. Large dogs over 50 lbs can have 4-5 chickpeas as a treat.

Avoid Overfeeding

Eating chickpeas in moderation as an occasional treat is important. Too many may lead to nutritional excesses or deficiencies over time. Stick to the 10% treat guideline.

Split Chickpeas If Needed

Cut larger chickpeas in half or quarters to reduce choking risk, especially for small breed dogs. Always supervise chewing.

Check with your veterinarian to tailor chickpea feeding recommendations to your dog’s unique caloric needs and sensitivities. Follow these tips for safe, nutritious integration into their diet.


Can dogs eat falafel? The answer is yes, but with caution and in moderation. While fried and heavily spiced falafel can pose serious health risks to dogs, chickpeas themselves are a nutritious food that most dogs can tolerate well. Chickpeas provide dietary fiber, plant-based protein, vitamins, and minerals – all beneficial nutrients for dogs.

However, improper preparation and portion size is critical. To maximise benefits while avoiding harm, refrain from feeding dogs seasoned, fried falafel. Only offer plain, cooked chickpeas in small amounts 1-2 times per week. Introduce them slowly, watching for any sign of digestive distress or allergic reaction. Consult your veterinarian for tailored feeding advice based on your dog’s health status and nutritional needs.

With these precautions in place, the majority of dogs can gain nutritional value from the occasional plain chickpea treat. While falafel in its traditional fried and spiced form is not safe for dogs, chickpeas themselves can be a healthy component of a balanced canine diet when fed properly. Monitor your dog closely, and ask your vet if chickpeas are appropriate for your pet.


Are chickpeas good for dogs?

Yes, chickpeas can be a healthy treat for dogs in moderation. They provide plant-based protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. But limit portions to avoid excess calories or gas.

Can dogs eat baked falafel?

Baked plain chickpea falafel is safer than fried, but may still contain onion, garlic or spices hazardous for dogs. For maximum safety, stick to plain chickpeas.

How many chickpeas can I give my dog?

Use the 10% treat rule, limiting calories from chickpeas to 10% of your dog’s total daily needs. For a 50 lb dog, 2-3 chickpeas is a good portion size. Adjust up or down by weight.

Will falafel hurt my dog?

Heavily seasoned, fried falafel can pose risks of pancreatitis, toxicity, choking, allergies, and nutritional imbalance in dogs. But plain chickpeas in moderation are generally safe. Monitor your dog’s reaction closely.

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